The Buzzy Bee Montessori Preschool was founded in 2005 and it is managed by the teachers for whom teaching is a passion. Kasia and Renata put all their hearts and create a place friendly for children, in which every kid feels comfortable exploring the surrounding world and at the same time acquiring the English language. Our teachers are intermediaries between the environment and the child and let them explore the reality unaided. The child through experiencing, aiming at self-reliance encounters various difficulties, and in the process of overcoming them asks a reliable person i.e. the teacher for assistance. The assistance is not doing things for the child, but supporting the child in attaining the self-reliance. Our teachers do not criticize, do not punish, do not praise the child thanks to which they arouse enthusiasm, willingness to be active, which people should draw from the passion for what they do, not making it conditional on prizes or punishments they get.
- Motessori Method
- Emersion Method
- Experienced and qualified staff
- A wide range of additional classes
- Lessons also in the open air

The Hornets
Group are various in terms of age, and have up to 16 kids. Group of emphatic preschoolers, who together explore the world. They learn through experience, work with Montesori aids. They have created a bond with teachers and each other, they attempt to respond to the challenges of the English language.

The Beetles
A group various in terms of age, can have up to 16 kids. A group full of energy, curious of the world and its phenomena, great nature observers, loving outings to ‘our’ wood, from which they bring lots of treasures and make teaching aids out of them. The Beatles speak English, thanks to the fun with our native-speaker.

The Firefilies
A mixed group in terms of age, can have up to 16 kids. A group of children having strong personalities, full of zeal for learning, asking many difficult questions, and answering them. The 6-year-olds, having graduated from our preschool, can read, write and count, and most of them are fluent in English.
Gate to the wood
The Kabacki wood is just 15 steps away from the preschool. Our gate leads directly to the wood, thanks to which part of our activities are held just there. The nearness of the wood ensures the possibility of observing: the surrounding nature, the animals living there, and activities based on the pedagogy of wilderness.


Montessori pedagogy
Montessori pedagogy comprises complex teaching material to work with the child, which is compose of a set of didactic tools called the Montessori Material. The material is ordered thematically and easily accessible to the child (within arm’s reach).
The Montessori Material can be divided into the following sections:
• Practical life – the material includes a number of tasks, which the children observe as a natural element of their home life.
• Sensoric material – introduces to the world of dimensions, surfaces, shapes, enables the child to model basic geometric notions. The children learn how to recognize and select their impressions through touch, eyesight, smell, taste and hearing.
• Material for mathematical education – comprises learning numbers, performing arithmetical operations, increasing the degree of difficulty, operations of addition, subtraction, multiplication and division on symbols.
• Language learning material – serves to enrich vocabulary, teach reading and writing, introduce grammatical notions.
• Culture shows the child natural and cultural aspects of our world providing everyday contact with animate and inanimate nature.

Mutual respect
The Buzzy Bee preschool count upon building up a relation with a child based on mutual respect. In the contact we are guided by the NVC (Nonvalient communication).
Our task as teachers is:
• Making contact with the child based on observing and not their assessment and labelling.
• Serious treatment of the child and their needs.
• Teaching and assistance in naming feelings and needs.
• Being with the children “here and now”.
Having been inspired by psychologist Jasper Jull’s assumptions we reinforce the child’s self-esteem, indicate possibilities and do not impose our choices and preferences.
Our preschool creates the space in making decisions by the child, deciding about themselves, and building up self-reliance.
We give the children the freedom of choice in exploring the environment. We do not assess or interrupt. We do not assist when the assistance is redundant. We allow the children to bury themselves in their desires, which can inspire self-development and self-discipline. We are close to the children. We establish a tie.

Natural acquisition of a foreign language

Extra activities
They are established on your preferences. For years unchangeably the popular classes are: pottery, dance, karate, spanish, programming. Within the framework we offer: art, eurhythmics, gymnastics, culinary classes. Join us today – registration is open all year!

All day
2200 zł
The monthly tuition fee comprises:
montessori programm
the realization of the syllabus of the Ministry of Education
the English language-imersion method
culinary, art, music workshops
meals composed of breakfast, two-dish lunch, fruit and vegetable snack, second snack
preschool care until 5:30 p.m
Half a day
2050 zł
The monthly tuition fee comprises:
montessori programm
the realization of the syllabus of the Ministry of Education
the English language-imersion method
culinary, art, music workshops
meals composed of breakfast, two-dish lunch
preschool care until 1:30 p.m
Registration fee
1500 zł
15% tuition discount for the second and subsequent child enrolled in the preschool
50% registration discount for the second and subsequent child enrolled in the preschool